Wednesday 16 May 2012

Meet the Maintenance Department: Part One

This is the first in a series of blog posts introducing our team members. These are the individuals that exhibit the "Pete Club Pride" that EPGCC promotes. These Maintenance Team members have agreed to introduce themselves to the membership and all followers of our blog. Our team is a tight-knit group that all have great senses of humour and it shows in their autobiographical blog contributions. These submissions are compiled from the team member's own answers to some general questions about their time at EPGCC.

Kelsey Ferguson is in her fifth season with the EPGCC Maintenance Department. Her favourite jobs include mowing fairways and greens. Kelsey explains that her most memorable moment at EPGCC is of the one-ton tank watering truck in low gear driving down Winterburn Road to the gate at the south end of the property. When Paul wildly motioned for Kelsey to change gears, she struggled but when she did find 2nd gear, the truck took off down the road with water splashing out the top of the tank, Kelsey along for the ride and Paul trailing behind, in a fit of laughter. Kelsey is finished university and will be teaching in the fall.

Matt Duncan is back with the Maintenance Department after a year hiatus, making this his second complete season. Matt is proud of the hard work that went into the new maintenance building and all the work that is completed on the golf course. His most memorable golf course moment involves the creation of a geyser beside 18 green, not on purpose. Matt is in university.

Craig Ferguson has been with EPGCC for six seasons. His favourite task on the golf course is rolling greens. Craig is most proud of the new lunchroom and staff facility at the shop. He is also proud of all of the tasks he completes. On Wednesdays, you can often see Craig sporting a pair of overalls.

Wesley DeWit has been with the Maintenance Department for five seasons and he also enjoys rolling greens. He has numerous memorable moments but he also shares Matt's memory of the impromptu geyser beside 18 green. Wes is in university and is nearly finished his Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While away from the course he enjoys sailing and has hiked the West Coast Trail.
Matt, Craig, Kelsey, Wes


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